I am reblogging this because I suspect many WPers will react as I did — with gales of helpless laughter at myself.

Sweet Mother

The below is a list of what happens in my brain for the next 31 minutes after I hit “publish” each and everyday.  Note:  I only have about 1 original thought per minute, the other thoughts within that minute are variations of the original-thesis thought for that correpsonding minute.


Min 1:  “Did my post suck today?  It’s been a minute and there is only one “like”.  Maybe it sucked.”


Min 2:  “It’s Sunday, people don’t read very many blogs on Sunday, that’s a low-views day according to my stats.”


Min 3:  “Oh, wait, it’s Monday.  Okay, that is also a low-views day – so is Tuesday and Wednesday and hold on…”


Min 4:  “I should’ve written about my Mom.  People like it when I write about my Mom or my Wifesy.”


Min 5:  “I don’t think I should’ve capitalized Mom in that last minute…

View original post 829 more words

4 thoughts on “

  1. Thanks for re-posting this. It was too much…still laughing.
    Now I am debating whether I should join “Post a day 2012” or keep with the random thing. So far you are doing better than I am, I have missed 4 days. I don’t think I could live with the paranoia, as it is I already check my stats too often. Plus I have this the complete inability to keep it to one post a day. When the thought comes, I post it. So paranoid, compulsive and under the pressure of a challenge – what a nightmare. I think I will just stay random.
    Okay with that settled, I can thank you again for the re-post …. I think…. 🙂

    • I hadn’t heard of “Post A Day 2012” — I think I’m missing about 16 days, since I didn’t start this until several days into the new year, and then had technology issues for several days. That’s a daunting challenge!

    • I actually popped online because the kids were such awful little monsters today, with the exception of the time we spent playing with rocks. I just happened to see this on “Freshly Pressed,” and nearly wet my pants laughing because it so thoroughly described me.

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